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What’s wrong with my website?│5 Signs that you need a Digital Agency

Vicki Nichols - Thumbnail

Vicki Nichols

Digital Marketing Lead

Your digital presence is the first thing that customers will see and judge you on.

So, you need to make sure that you’re leaving the right impression.

A study conducted in 2021 found that 50% of all customers believed that a company’s web design was crucial to a business’ overall brand. (Top Design Firm).

We’ve put together a handy guide of warning signs that your digital presence might need work.

1. You aren’t getting many website conversions

If you’re getting website traffic to your site but aren’t converting it then you need to look at your website. Website design mistakes could be at fault for your poor conversion rates.

If this calls out to you, then you likely have poor website performance to blame. Getting people to your website is only half the battle. Some web design mistakes to avoid are including a logo that is pixelated or inconsistent choice of font and font size.

2. You have a high bounce rate (with hardly any dwell time)

What does a high bounce rate mean? It refers to the number of people that leave a website without taking any action.

Reasons for high bounce rate could be that the browser’s experience was lacking or that they didn’t find what they were looking for.  Having easily accessible content is a quick and easy way to reduce your bounce rate.

3. You don’t have many backlinks to your website

Backlinks are links from one website to another. Google highly values backlinks – it sees them as one website vouching for another. The more websites that ‘vouch’ for you, the better your website will rank organically with Google.

The secret on how to build backlinks without paying for them is to have great content. Having content that is so good people want to share it is an important step of how to get backlinks.

4. You don’t know how to scale up your business

Knowing how to scale up a business is key to continued success. Your marketing should provide data which shows the return you are getting on any investments.

Without this valuable data, it’s not as clear on how to scale businesses as you don’t know where your profit is coming from. And so, you don’t know where to concentrate your marketing efforts to scale up your business.

5. You aren’t getting any engagement on your social posts

If you’re getting plenty of engagement, then chances are you have plenty of loyal customers. Loyal customers who are happy with the products/services they’re getting.

Having the strong relationship with your customers in turn means:

  • More word-of-mouth referrals
  • More chances to build brand loyalty

This in turn will mean more sales for you. It also provides a quick snapshot of how your digital assets are performing. Often, customers will provide valuable insights on how to improve the experience you provide.

If you have any of the above warning signs, then get in touch today!

We are an experienced team of in-house developers, designers, and digital marketers.

Chances are, we will have already helped a customer overcome the problem you’re facing and will have valuable insights into the solutions.

Check out some of our past digital projects here.

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