Measure Your Digital Success | Digital Agency

Vicki Nichols - Thumbnail

Vicki Nichols

Digital Marketing Lead

Coming from an established digital agency, there is a lot that goes into planning and creating your digital marketing strategy. But the most important element involved actually comes after the execution of your strategy.

Measure your digital success! As a digital agency, we can tell you it is so important to understand what is working for you and what strategies are helping you to meet your digital goals.

When you measure your digital success you need to take an ongoing approach by regularly checking your data, learning from your data, and making adjustments to your strategy and campaigns accordingly.

Measuring success will be different for everyone depending on your marketing goals. Your goals could be anything from, gaining a larger social media following, gaining brand awareness, website visitors, or higher conversion rates and sales.

There are various tools available to us all to allow us to track our marketing efforts and learn from data.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is used by millions all over the world to track and measure their digital marketing campaigns. The platform provides a multitude of helpful data regarding your website and the users who visit.

It can tell you, how many people are visiting your site. It can tell you where they came from, whether its from an email campaign, social media, organically, direct and more… Google Analytics can even tell you how they accessed your site in terms of device and where they are located, how long they spent on your website and any events they completed such a lead enquiry.

Social Media Insights

Now, many of us use social media platforms and paid advertising on these platforms. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Each of these platforms also come with their very own insights area.

Social analytics allows you to split test a variety of posts and ads to see which performs best for your target audience and your goals. You can then learn from this data to apply your knowledge to future campaigns.

If you would like to know more about our services and digital marketing. Please get in touch today.

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