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Expert Guide on Local Marketing – Making location-based marketing work

Vicki Nichols - Thumbnail

Vicki Nichols

Digital Marketing Lead

Iron out your local marketing strategy

What is Local Marketing?

It’s a strategy where you concentrate your marketing activities on consumers within a certain location. This can involve cultural considerations to the specific area such as the use of local slang or even preferred languages.

Sometimes called ‘marketing localisation’.

Why is local digital marketing important?

If you run a local dog grooming business, you would never target cat owners as it doesn’t make sense to your business. Well, the same importance should also be put on location. Making sure your marketing efforts are focused on the right regions means less money is wasted, so you make more profit.

How to make the most of your target area

Local SEO Marketing

This is the process where you make sure that your website ranks organically (not paid) for locally relevant keywords.

This involves optimising your website, creating local content, and following region trends. Click here for more information on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Localised content

This means that you need to make sure that the content of your website and/or marketing efforts are actually relatable to your target audience. This could be anything from adding location-based terms or even keeping language consistent with the regions use of language.

Use third-party website directories

There are a number of  online directories which highlight local relevant business to searchers. It’s important that you make the most of this advertising by claiming your spot in this online yellow pages.

Do your industry research to make sure that your listed alongside your direct competitors. List where they list, and even where they don’t to make sure you stand out!

Manage your presence on Google My Business

Take advantage of the ability to list your business details on Google Maps and local search results. This helps boost your ‘Local SEO’ whilst also helping customers to find you.

It’s important to continually optimise it to make sure your presence and brand visibility remains consistent. We offer a Google My Business management service where we can expertly run this on your behalf to save you the hassle and make the most of your listing. Call us on 01792 293366 or email sales@copperbaydigital.co.uk

Regionalised Google Ads (Localised Paid Advertising)

This means going beyond your regular keyword bidding and ensuring you’re competing for the right locally relevant terms.

This is a powerful way to reach your target consumer as it can be implemented quickly. Meaning you’ll see results much quicker than with Search Engine Optimisation strategies.

Customer Personas

To sell to the right people, you need to know who they are. Personas are fictional characters who represent your ideal target customers. Many businesses cater to a variety of people, so it’s important to think of them all.

Having personas can help you pinpoint exactly where to focus your online marketing efforts. This helps you go beyond your location written on paper and helps show you the golden locations where your typical customers tend to reside.

Let us help you today!

If you would like help in making sure your website and marketing efforts are optimised for localisation then please get in touch today.

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