How meet the team pages can humanise brands

Vicki Nichols - Thumbnail

Vicki Nichols

Digital Marketing Lead

Humanise your business with an ‘our team’ page

The pandemic has caused a shift in consumer behaviour, with people more than ever needing to know (and trust) your business or organisation.

Seeing the faces behind brands helps foster trust and positive feelings with your customers or members. This is particularly true if the service or product you offer is a long sales process or a high-cost service/product.

So, what is a ‘meet the team page’?

Simply, it’s an opportunity for you to showcase the talent that makes your business work.

They normally include things like; names, job titles, pictures and how they fit within the business. But you can be as creative as you like with it.

A popular way to add a little personality to the page is by including fun facts or hobbies about important team members.

Why should you humanise your brand?

  • Humanised brands foster trust

The majority of your customers won’t automatically have much trust in large corporations in general.

Showing the names and faces behind a company helps foster trust. It helps show the talent in your business and taps into people’s nature to trust humans they can see by offering a quick snapshot of who they’ll be dealing with.

  • Impress prospective employees

And it’s not just prospects and customers who will be affected by a more humanised brand. A great ‘Our team’ page but also potential workers.

It shows that you’re happy to showcase the talent in your business and that you care about your employees.

  • Add weight to your business

If you plan to sell your products or services primarily through your website, you need to make it as trustworthy and reliable as possible.

One approach is to showcase the human aspect of your business and give them a taste of what happens behind the scenes. It can also be a great tool to help you stand out from competitors.

Why good website development is crucial
How to make a memorable ‘Meet the team’
  1. Don’t be afraid to be a little creative with it if your industry allows it. Including using alternatives to digital portraits.
  2. Think outside the box like Etsy, where they found a creative and interesting way to showcase a large team of employees.
  3. Get your team involved – after all it’s them you’re portraying. Getting their buy-in goes a long way towards creating a great page.
  4. Work with a talented web designer to make a unique page template.
  5. Think about the message you’re trying to convey with your ‘meet the team’ page. Make sure that the design, image use and even copy on the page support this.
Bespoke Web Design vs Standard Website Templates – Quick and easy guide
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