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How to Use Social Media to Improve Your Website Traffic

Vicki Nichols - Thumbnail

Vicki Nichols

Digital Marketing Lead

Tips from a Digital Agency about using social media to drive more website traffic

Are you struggling to drive traffic to your website? As a digital agency, we understand that getting good levels of website traffic is crucial to the success of any business that operates online.

One effective way to boost your website traffic is by leveraging the power of social media. In this blog, we will cover why and how to use social media to improve your website traffic.

Why is social media good for website traffic?

Although it’s not the key channel for driving website traffic quickly (for this, we’d recommend pay-per-click ads), it’s a great way to get your business in front of new people.

The average daily usage of a social media user is 2 hours and 31 minutes. That’s a great opportunity for businesses to get their business in front of their target audience.

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Tips on how to best use social media to boost your site’s traffic

1. Use social media in the right way.

It’s all about using it the right way. Spamming people repeatedly with link after link, and sales pitch after sales pitch will never work. You’ll hardly see any engagement and as a result, barely any reach.

The trick is to balance good, engaging content where the user can stay on the social media channel, with more commercially focused content that drives them to your website.

We typically recommend an 80/20 split as a good rule of thumb. However, it’s best to experiment with your social media followers to get the right balance.

2. Create a Social Media Content Strategy

The key to using social media the right way is to have a well-defined content and distribution strategy. This includes thinking about your target audience, setting realistic goals, identifying content strands, and planning your social media content accordingly.

If you’re unsure where to start, research is a great way to collect information. Start by looking at your competitors’ social media channels. Think about which ones they are using, what content is being engaged with, and even when they’re posting.

Another good idea is to research how your target audience uses social media. Different groups will use it differently. For example, if you are looking to target Gen Z then you should be looking to use video-centred content wherever possible. Following trends and viral content is also key to engaging with Gen Z.

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3. Don’t let your profiles let you down!

Your social media profiles are often the first touchpoint for potential visitors to your website. So it’s really important to make sure that it’s optimised. Key things like using the same profile pictures and brand colours are a great way to establish a professional brand identity quickly.

Another thing that is very important is that Instagram as a channel does not let you share links in posts. So having a LinkTree or some other form of link in your bio allows you to share multiple links at once. This way, you can share helpful blogs you’ve posted, sales, and even offer a link to sign up for your newsletter.

4. Share High-Quality Content

Remember that some of your posts might be the first opportunity for buyers to learn about your brands. So always share high-quality content. And wherever possible, make sure there is good variety too!

This could include things like blog posts where you share a portion of the content to hook readers in. They can then click on the blog link to continue reading.

Other types of content that can engage readers in a busy timeline are infographics and videos. The more valuable and shareable your content is, the more likely you are to reach a wider audience. And ultimately drive more website traffic.

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5. Eye-catching visuals can help you stand out

Visual content is highly effective in catching the attention of social media users. You’ll find that even the same content shared in text and visual format will perform considerably better visually.

Using high-quality visuals is also a great way to convey information and persuade users to click through to your website to learn more. So make sure your visuals catch and keep their attention.

6. Don’t forget that the aim of social media is to network and communicate

Your social media should be doing more than broadcasting your message. You should also genuinely be engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, messages, and mentions to build up a loyal following.

Think about using all the tools of your channel where possible to encourage discussion and generate buzz around your profile. For example, conducting polls on LinkedIn is a great way to get lots of interaction with your content.

Engaging with your audience not only improves your brand’s image but also encourages them to visit your website to learn more about your offerings.

7. Leverage Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising can be a powerful tool to drive website traffic too. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer various advertising options that allow you to reach a larger audience and drive targeted traffic to your website.

Set up targeted ads based on factors such as location, interests, and demographics to reach the right audience and drive traffic to your website.

If you’re nervous about running a full-paid social campaign, then consider boosting an existing post to get further engagement, reach, or website clicks. It’ll show you the potential behind paid social media advertising.

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8. Use Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Including CTAs in your social media posts can encourage users to take action and visit your website. Try to think of compelling CTAs, for example, “Start saving money today!” over more generic ones like “learn more”.

Make sure your CTAs are clear and prominently placed in your social media posts to increase click-through rates and drive traffic to your website.

9. Most importantly, monitor and analyse your results

It’s crucial to monitor and analyze your social media efforts to understand what’s working and what’s not. Not everything will work well, but trying new things is the key to getting a great social media account.

Use social media analytics tools to track key metrics such as website clicks, engagement, click-through rates, and reach. Analysing the data will help you identify which social media platforms and content types are driving the most traffic to your website.

Try not to focus purely on vanity metrics. It can be exciting to see that a post has gone semi-viral, but it’s sometimes the posts that don’t appear to do as well that actually generate great clickthrough and revenue.

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Ready to use social media to improve your website traffic?

Social media can be a powerful tool when used strategically. Not only can it drive great levels of brand awareness, but it’s also a great tool for driving traffic back to your website.

At Copper Bay, we understand the importance of social media in driving website traffic and achieving overall business goals. If you need help with your social media strategy or digital marketing efforts, feel free to contact us below for a quick chat!

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