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10 Proven Strategies To Increase Your Brand Awareness

Vicki Nichols - Thumbnail

Vicki Nichols

Digital Marketing Lead

Group presentation in an office

10 ways to improve your brand awareness

In today’s competitive digital landscape, it’s more important than ever to increase brand awareness.

Whether you’re a small business just starting out or an established brand looking to reach new audiences, there are many strategies for you to get your brand noticed.

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What does “brand awareness” mean?

Brand awareness describes the extent to which people are familiar with your brand. It’s the first step involved in building a strong brand image and establishing a connection with your target audience.

Where does brand awareness fit in a marketing strategy?

Making sure that people are familiar with and recognise your brand is an important part of marketing. After all, if people don’t recognise and remember your brand, how are they going to buy from you?

Your marketing plan should include ways to increase your brand awareness. Ideally both online and offline, and through paid and organic methods. This will help you to build a strong brand within your industry.

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10 strategies to increase your brand awareness

From utilising social media and content marketing to hosting events, there are many options for improving your brand awareness.

We’ve put together 10 effective ways for you to improve your brand awareness and reach your target customers.

1. Use appropriate social media channels

The first step is to think about which social media channels your target audience is. There’s no point putting time and effort into a channel that doesn’t serve you. For example, if you’re targeting business professionals above 35, TikTok probably isn’t the right one for you.

Sharing visually appealing content that highlights your brand values, unique selling points and knowledge is a good way to improve your brand awareness.

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2. Encourage user-generated content

There is nothing more valuable than positive user-generated content. Who better to promote your brand to potential customers than your current ones?

After all, people are more likely to believe the hype about a brand if it comes from regular people just like them. Good examples of this are testimonials, Q&A on forums and social media content like unboxing videos.

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3. Produce regular and valuable content

Producing relevant and consistent content is a great way to educate and engage your audience. Blog content can also be optimised for SEO to improve the discoverability of your website organically.

Another reason that content marketing is so effective at building brand awareness is that it builds trust and establishes your brand as a thought leader.

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4. Run paid ad campaigns

Paid ad channels like Google Ads or Facebook Ads are a great way to reach a wider audience quickly. You can help promote your business to new or past customers and drive them to your website.

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5. Try using PR in your marketing strategy

You’ll see that many big brands run PR campaigns that end up returning better brand awareness and revenue! But even smaller businesses should look at using PR marketing.

Gaining positive media coverage, even from smaller media outlets, is a good way to increase your brand awareness. Ideas for PR strategies could be company news, product launches, or even case studies.

6. Offer referral programmes

People who are recommended your product or service are much more likely to actually convert. So getting recommendations is hugely valuable for businesses.

This is why many brands look at offering referral programmes where they offer a discount or monetary reward for successful referrals.

And even if they aren’t successful, it’s great to get the brand awareness that naturally comes from word-of-mouth referrals.

Refer someone to us and get £250!

7. Network, network and more networking!

Look at attending industry events, conferences and meetups to build relationships with potential customers or partners.

As well as increasing your brand visibility, this also helps add to your credibility too.

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8. Look at event marketing

There are two main ways to utilise event marketing to drive brand awareness. One way is to sponsor an existing event to get your name out there.

The alternative option is to host your own event. The cheapest way to do this is by hosting webinars, but you could also look at doing in-person events too.

9. Build an email list

Using list-building strategies like gated content is a great way to collect valuable contact information.

Once they’re added to your contact list, you can then regularly send them engaging and informative content. This helps keep your brand in their mind and drives traffic back to your website.

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10. Influencer Marketing

This is a relatively new method for boosting awareness of your brand. It involves you partnering with social media influencers so that they showcase your business to their followers.

When done in the right way it can be a highly effective way to reach a large audience quickly. The important thing is to work with the right influencers, as there’s no point in partnering with someone whose audience doesn’t fit with your brand.

How we could help increase your brand awareness

It can be difficult to get expertise and in-depth knowledge of all marketing channels in-house. It’s normally much cheaper to take advantage of a knowledgeable digital agency than trying to pay for multiple salaries in-house.

As a leading digital agency, we have experts in social media, content marketing, paid advertising and more. We can work with you to develop a customised strategy to reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.

This means you can focus on running your business, while we focus on getting your brand noticed.

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