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Maximising Customer Engagement Through Effective Web Design

Jordan Stiens-Magill - Thumbnail

Jordan Stiens-Magill

Digital Lead & Designer

Person pointing at a laptop screen

Customer engagement 101: Why website design is key

Websites need to do more than just look good. They need to support your business in all areas, including maximising customer engagement.

There is so much competition online that you need to make sure you are offering a seamless browsing experience. One that’s easy to navigate and visually stimulating.

Why is customer engagement important?

Maximising customer engagement is key because engaged customers are more likely to buy and recommend your business to others.

Engaged customers will also provide valuable feedback that helps you improve your offerings. Customer engagement is a necessity for businesses to thrive and succeed.

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How can I use website design to maximise customer engagement?

Your website is your 24/7 salesperson. It’s often the first opportunity for a business to make a positive impression on potential customers. Most customers will form their initial opinions of your brand from your website, so it’s important to get it right.

10 website design tips for maximising customer engagement

We’ve put together a list of tips for using website design as a tool for maximising customer engagement.

1. First Impressions Matter

The design of a website is the first thing that a customer sees when they visit it. A poorly designed website can lead to a negative first impression, which can cause customers to leave and seek out a competitor.

Website visitors will most often land on your home page first, so make sure it stands out in a good way. Using high-quality visuals and complementary colour schemes is a great way to do this.

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2. Easy-to-follow navigation

Clear navigation is essential for maximising customer engagement. I’m sure we can all recall an unpleasant website experience where the navigation was confusing and/or messy. For most of us, it likely ended with us losing patience and leaving that website without purchasing.

3. Provide valuable content

There are a number of ways to provide website visitors with valuable content. For example blog articles, downloadable PDFs or even quizzes. Providing relevant and valuable content not only demonstrates your expertise but also encourages users to engage with your website for longer.

4. Personalise wherever possible

From website design to your marketing, using personalisation is a surefire way to get a more engaged audience that is more likely to convert. Use data-driven personalisation to tailor the website experience to customers’ preferences and behaviour.

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5. Use colour psychology in your website design

It’s been proven that colour plays a significant role in how customers perceive a brand. It can also influence their behaviour, such as evoking emotional connections.

For example, using blues can encourage feelings of trust, peace and competence. Purple conveys the feeling of royalty and luxury.

However, it’s incredibly important to make sure that the colours you use match your branding!

6. Focus on improving your user experience

Websites should be optimised for user experience. Key things to ensure are fast loading times, easy-to-use forms and clear messaging. You want to make sure that you limit any hurdles that stop your website visitors from converting.

7. Encourage users to interact with your website

Interactive features are an effective way of maximising customer engagement. Consider having things such as chatbots, quizzes and surveys on your website to encourage customer interaction and feedback. Not only will you hopefully collect valuable data, but you’ll also have a more engaged audience.

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8. Always design mobile-first

The vast majority of us will use our mobile devices to browse online, so you should bear this in mind when designing your website. Nothing will put potential customers off faster than not being able to use the site on a mobile device.

Having a responsive website design will make it easier for mobile users to move around your site. Other key things to consider are making sure your layout is simple, that forms aren’t overly long and also utilising mobile-specific features like click-to-call.

9. Make sure to share social proof

Building trust and credibility is an excellent way to engage customers. So make use of testimonials, reviews and case studies in your website design. Customers are more likely to engage with a brand they trust.

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10. Don’t be afraid to use storytelling in your website design

Incorporating storytelling into your web design can encourage emotional connections. One way to do this is by explaining your brand’s mission and values. An emotionally connected audience becomes engaged customers.

How to get started with a better website design

It’s clear that good website design is key to maximising customer engagement. But how can you get started? Well, working with an experienced digital agency is a great first step.

Here at Copper Bay, we offer more than just a website. Our websites do more than just look good. They are designed with your end goal in mind. The first step is to get in touch with us to discuss what your vision is!

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