How to improve your Email Marketing Campaigns

Vicki Nichols - Thumbnail

Vicki Nichols

Digital Marketing Lead

Get the most out of your email marketing

The idea behind digital marketing is to go where your customers are – to deliver the right message at the right time to the right people.

What better way to get your message across than over email? According to Statista, there are 4 billion daily email users. And this number is expected to grow too!

Easiest way to market to your current customers

The benefit of email marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool in digital marketing, with the unique ability to get your message in front of hundreds of interested people.

In a recent Forbes survey, 79% of business owners say that email marketing is either ‘important’ or ‘very important’. With one of the highest return on investments in digital marketing (an average of £27.40 returned for every $1 dollar spent) it’s easy to see why!

Things that email marketing is good for:

  • Driving conversions by targeting abandoned carts
  • Nurturing leads until they’re ready to buy
  • Encouraging repeat business
  • Helping educate buyers about products or services
  • Announcing updates to segmented users
  • Communicated with segments of customers
  • Automating messages to save employee time (read more about email marketing automation)
Not sure when you’re allowed to send emails?

Optimise your email marketing strategy

It’s an important element of any digital marketing strategy to improve your processes.

Letting the data guide your optimisations means that you’re consistently upgrading to get the best results.

7 tips for creating your email marketing campaign:

1. Know your audience

Before you do anything, you need to know who your target audience is. Having plenty of information about your potential customers means you’ll know better how to target them.

Once you better understand your customers, you’ll be able to segment them into groups. This allows you to send more personalised emails to each group segment.

How customer personas can help you improve your targeting
2. Prepare and plan before you execute

Now you know who, you need to work out the when. The majority of customers will want to receive promotional emails at least weekly or monthly.

It’s important to find the balance between getting your message in front of customers to keep you fresh in their minds, and not badgering them.

Putting together an email marketing plan helps you work out the best times to send your emails for maximum effect and also what to say.

3. Provide value with every email

Whether you’re looking to send a transactional email (a purchase confirmation) or a lead-nurturing email, they should all have a purpose.

Using segmented customer lists can help you add value to every email much easier. This is because you better understand what customers want.

Never email customers without a clear purpose as this increases the danger of the email being overlooked, or worse still marked as spam.

5. Don’t neglect the subject line

Many marketers will pay special attention to the design, images and copy within the email but often forget about the subject line.

It’s one of the most important elements within email marketing as it entices your customers to open your email.

There is limited space in a subject line and so every character counts. Make sure that the words you’re using add value, drive curiosity, or build trust.

Did you know? Using an emoji in the subject line can drive a higher open rate. ?
5. Consistent professional designs

Some of the benefits of using email marketing software like MailChimp is the ability to design attractive, professional templates.

The right template can help entice customers, drive conversions, and improve their overall perception of your brand.

However, you should make sure that your emails feel consistent. Even if they are sending different messages, it should be clear that they come from the same source to build trust.

6. Always send a test email first!

Before sending your message to your whole list of subscribers, make sure the email displays correctly. Things like including the wrong date/link or an image that didn’t load properly can add to your workload.

It’s important to test on different devices too – make sure that mobile and desktop users get the same quality experience.

7. Keep an eye on the data

Don’t let assumptions rule your strategy. What you like or think may not be the same as your customer list.

Keeping an eye on things like delivery rate, open rate, click-through rate and unsubscribes can help give you a snapshot of the health of your campaign.

Not getting the results you want? Consider using A/B testing to evaluate elements within your emails. Once you have identified the best version it can be rolled out as best practice.

How do you measure the success of an email marketing campaign?

Need help getting results with email marketing?

If you’ve read this blog, then you’re likely wondering how you can improve the performance of email marketing within your business.

Copper Bay Digital specialise in email marketing and automated email marketing. We can work with your company to understand your needs and goals, and how we can help you achieve them.

Invest in your email marketing

Feeling overwhelmed? Contact us today at 01792 293366. We can get a free, no-obligation call set up with our team of digital marketers to see how Copper Bay can help you succeed.

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