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How conversion optimisation can improve your business

Vicki Nichols - Thumbnail

Vicki Nichols

Digital Marketing Lead

Unlocking business growth with conversion rate optimisation

Businesses should always strive to maximise their online presence, and thus drive more revenue. Most business owners and marketing managers focus on driving more users and building brand awareness. But if that’s all you do, you’re definitely missing a trip.

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How can I quickly improve my marketing results?

If you’re already getting great reach and engagement, then working on improving your website’s conversion rate is a surefire way to quickly drive better results.

An average website converts at around 2-5%, so improving your conversion rate by just 2% could see your website conversions double!

So regardless of whether you’re a lead generation site or an e-commerce business, conversion optimisation can improve your business hugely.

Why is a website conversion rate so important?

Your website’s conversion rate is a crucial metric that directly impacts your business’ growth and profitability. A high conversion rate indicates that a greater percentage of visitors are successfully converted into customers or subscribers.

While a low conversion rate means you’re missing out on valuable opportunities and revenue. By focusing on optimising your conversion rate, you can make the most of your existing traffic and increase your return on investment (ROI).

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What is Conversion Optimisation?

Conversion optimisation (or conversion rate optimisation/ CRO) is the process of making improvements to your website to improve your overall conversion rate.

Examples could be simplifying your checkout process to make it much quicker and more user-friendly. Or simply tweaking the call-to-action (CTA) buttons on your site to make them stand out.

Conversion rate optimisation should always be done after analysing user behaviour. It’s important to make data-driven website optimisations rather than simply just guessing and hoping for the best.

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9 Quick tips for implementing conversion optimisation on your website:

1. Define clear goals

The first step is to really identify the specific actions you want visitors to take on your website. This could be completing a purchase, signing up for a newsletter or filling out a form.

Once you have a better understanding of what you want to target, you’ll be able to identify website optimisations that should encourage that action.

2. Conduct plenty of research

This is a critical step in conversion optimisation. To get a better understanding of what should be optimised, you need to understand what your audience values and where the current pain points on your website are at the moment.

Good ways to do this are by speaking to your customer service team, reading customer reviews or even asking friends and family members to test out the website. You can quickly learn about pain points that could be avoided to improve your website’s conversion rate.

3. Streamline Navigation

This is one of the quickest ways to improve your website’s conversion rate. Simplify your website’s navigation to make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for and take desired actions.

Although you might think having a large choice in your navigation menu is positive, it can often overwhelm the end user. And you’ll find that long or complicated menus rarely look good on a mobile device.

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4. Optimise Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Create clear, compelling, and visually prominent CTAs that encourage visitors to act. You’ll find that it makes a surprising difference!

5. Improve page load speed

And it’s not just visual differences that can be considered conversion optimisation. Ensuring that your website loads quickly can help prevent visitors from leaving due to slow loading times.

Up to 25% of website visitors abandon a site that takes longer than 4 seconds to load. That’s a huge number of visitors lost because of something that can be fixed.

6. Enhance the mobile experience

I’m sure we can all remember a time when we attempted to browse a website with our mobile only to be left frustrated. Don’t let your website do that!

With the increasing use of mobile devices, optimise your website for mobile responsiveness and caters to a larger audience. And it means that mobile device users are far more likely to convert.

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7. Consider utilising A/B Testing:

Test different variations of key website elements, such as headlines, images, and CTAs, to determine which versions perform better. Once you have your answer you can make across-the-board changes to improve your conversion rate.

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8. Personalise the user experience

A conversion rate optimisation study found that businesses saw on average 93% rise in their conversion rate after implementing personalisation. You can do this by leveraging user data to provide personalised recommendations, offers, and content tailored to individual visitors.

9. Implement Trust Signals:

This is another big conversion optimisation tip that will dramatically improve your conversion rate. Introducing elements to your website that are designed to build trust can help customers convert much quicker. Examples of this are case studies, customer reviews, social proof and even security badges.

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Ready to improve your website’s conversions?

Conversion rate optimisation is a vital strategy for businesses looking to maximise their online success. By implementing the right techniques you can increase revenue, enhance user experience and gain a competitive advantage.

However, it’s important to make sure it’s done right. Working with a reputable digital agency that can guide you through the best way to optimise your website is critical.

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